

The Grünsee (2,300 m) is the perfect spot to stop and relax along a walk – for a picnic and swim, while enjoying views of the Matterhorn.

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The water of the Grünsee (“green lake”) is indeed green, but rather cold as it is fed by the surrounding mountain springs. Geology enthusiasts will find a variety of interesting rock formations here in a former glacial landscape. The alpine flora is particularly rich, with small patches of moorland.

  • Wealth of alpine flora
  • Photo subjects: many 4,000-metre peaks including the Weisshorn, Matterhorn, Obergabelhorn
  • Accessible via Gornergrat Bahn cog railway (Riffelalp or Riffelberg station)

  • Accessible via Rothorn (Sunnegga or Rothorn stations)
  • No dedicated swimming facilities

 “Alpine flowers around Zermatt”, by Hanspeter Steidle, published by edition punktuell, Herisau, 2009. Bilingual German/English, ISBN 978-3-905724-15-8


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