Street festival

Shepherd's Festival and Wolli's birthday

Will be updated soon

Event location

3920 Zermatt Wallis

Event location

3920 Zermatt Wallis


Which is the most beautiful in the entire village? At the traditional Shepherd’s Festival in Zen Stecken a prize is awarded to the most beautiful black-nose sheep of the year. Superb entertainment is not only ensured by the beautifully coiffeured sheep, but also a varied festival programme and the birthday party for Zermatt’s mascot, Wolli. This traditional event is guaranteed fun for all the family.

Program Saturday*:
• 10.00 hrs: Washing the black-nose sheep in the the Tradition Julen stables

Program Sunday*:
• 11:00 hrs: field church service including music
• Noon: refreshments with traditional Ländler music
• 13:00 hrs: election of the most beautiful black-nose sheep
• 13:30 hrs: Games for children and visit of Wolli
• 15:00 hrs: Wolli’s birthday party including the award for the “Wolli of the Year”

*Program is subject to change.


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Zermatt Tourismus
Bahnhofplatz 5
3920 Zermatt