Mountain railway

Valley station, Gornergrat

Will be updated soon

Cog trains of the Gornergrat Bahn travel 365 days a year up to the Gornergrat (3,089 m), where the views take in 29 peaks over 4,000 m. Trains depart every 24 minutes.

Address & contact details

3920 Zermatt

+41 848 642 442

Address & contact details

3920 Zermatt

+41 848 642 442


The Gornergrat Bahn (GGB) is a rack-and-pinion railway. The inaugural run took place in summer 1898. At the time, the GGB was the world’s only fully electrified mountain railway. An original locomotive from the period stands in the middle of the roundabout at Stalden, further down the Matter valley.

Glorious views along the journey

The ride reveals especially attractive views of the mountains around Zermatt, including the Matterhorn. Best of all, however, are the views from the observation platform on the Gornergrat: 29 peaks above 4,000 m, including the Monte Rosa, Matterhorn and Weisshorn as well as the Gorner Glacier, the second-largest in Europe, and many other summits capped in ice and snow. The 3100 Kulmhotel Gornergrat is the highest-altitude hotel in Europe (3,100 m).

Train for sightseers and outdoor activity fans

Today, the journey from Zermatt up to Gornergrat (3,089 m) takes 33 minutes.The Gornergrat Bahn cog trains carry visitors from all over the world up to the heights from all over the world up to the heigths. In summer, the trains carry hikers, mountain bikers, day-trippers and international tourists; in winter, skiers and snowboarders dominate the scene, but day-trippers, sun-worshippers, winter hikers, tobogganing (sledging) enthusiasts and snowshoe hikers also use the world-famous cog railway. The summit terminus is the highest open-air station in Europe.

All year (available from the ticket office on Bahnhofplatz)

  • Tickets
  • Information
  • Kiosk


  • Sunrise and sunset trips (bookable offers)
  • “Wolli and the climate detectives” family adventure (bookable offer)
  • Gornergrat Guides
  • Gourmet Ticket
  • Other offers


  • Dining with the stars (bookable offer)
  • Tobogganing (sledging)
  • Snowshoeing (rental at Rotenboden station)
  • Gourmet Ticket combine outdoor activities with culinary delights (bookalbe offer)
  • Other offers


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More information

Valley station, Gornergrat

3920 Zermatt

+41 848 642 442