Information board

Inderbinen dwelling built 1551

This is where the famous mountain guide Ulrich Inderbinen (1900-2004) lived as a child, from early summer through to the new year. 


The old house on what is now a hiking trail belongs to the Inderbinen family, who at the beginning of the 20th century still spent several months a year here, up to Epiphany on 6 January. They then moved back into the village of Zermatt, where they spent the rest of the winter months.

The outer section of Mutt, i.e. the area on the outer side of the valley (known today as Zmutt), was a kind of summer residence. It was here that even young Ulrich, born in 1900, had to help out with farming in the mountains as children were expected to do – looking after the goats, carrying small bundles of wood back home, etc.

Later on, Ulrich became a mountain guide and even at the age of 90, could still be seen up on the peaks. He was known around the world, becoming something of a Zermatt icon, with films and books about him. He died in 2004, at the age of 104.


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